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How to configure automatic turning on the computer at specific time in «Windows Vista»

Translation of your computer in sleep mode helps to reduce energy consumption and also reduces the boot time due to lack of power and reset.Another advantage of the room the computer to sleep is the ability to set the auto computer out of this mode to start the task of your choice.


1.Click on the “Start” menu in the lower left corner of the screen.Click “All Programs” then “Accessories” – “System Tools”.Click the “Task Scheduler” to open the program.

2.Click “New Task” in the column “Actions” on the right (not the “Create a simple task”).Set the task name.You can also optionally enter a description.You do not need to change other settings.

3.Click on the tab “Triggers” and then “Create”.The drop-down menu, leave the option “Schedule”.Check the box of the required frequency of tasks, such as daily, weekly, monthly.Set the desired date and time when your computer goes out of sleep state.Select the appropriate settings for each option (daily, weekly, etc.).Click “OK”.

4.Click on the tab “Actions”, then “Create”.Click on the drop-down menu next to “Action” and select the action after the computer wakes from sleep.Usually it is launching a program, or sending an e-mail.If you just want to wake the computer from sleep mode, select the lowest option – “Output Messages” and then enter any information to display after exiting sleep mode.If you choose “Run”, then select the program to run after the computer wakes from sleep.If you select “Send email”, then fill in the fields.After these operations, click “OK”.

5.Click on the tab “Terms”.Check the box line “awaken the computer to perform the task.”It is this option will awaken your computer using the operating system «Windows Vista» strictly in the specified time.You do not need to change the tab “Settings”.Click “OK”.Now your computer will wake up at the appointed time and, if necessary, perform a specific task.


If your computer is unattended, it is best to check the power settings to make sure that the computer goes into sleep mode after a certain time.

If your computer is configured so that after exiting sleep mode screen appears logon, it does not become an obstacle to send e-mail or launch the program.However, if you want to see the text, then you will first need to log on.


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